Rodin Museum
Auguste Rodin, one of the most remarkable sculptor of his time
First opened in 1919, the musée Rodin is housed in a beautiful private mansion called “hôtel Biron” built between 1727 and 1732. Nearly 300 works of Rodin are presented in this classical architecture’s mansion with rocaille details.
The mansion also has a sculpture garden of 300 hectares. Many works of Rodin, among which The Burghers of Calais, The Door of Hell, or The Thinker take place today in the garden of sculptures. This use of natural spaces as a setting for sculpture revives the practices of the master, who, in 1908, had installed in this wild garden some of his works, but also antiques belonging to his collection.
After this tour, the masterpieces of the famous sculptor won’t have anymore secrets for you.

Opening hoursHoraires d’ouverture: Du mardi au dimanche de 10h à 17h45. Fermé le lundi.
IncludedRodin MuseumUp to 6 people
Not IncludedEntry ticketsTransportation